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Hypnosis skills focus on inflicting powerful status effects on opponents while they are Charmed or Enthralled. The Charmed or Enthralled status does not need to come from Suggestion, though it is an easy way to cause it.


  1. Suggestion: Inflicts Charmed
  2. Enflame Lust: Requires target to be Charmed or Enthralled. Inflicts Horny status. Much more powerful if opponent is already Horny.
  3. Heighten Senses: Requires target to be Charmed or Enthralled. Inflicts Hypersensitive. If target is already Hypersensitive, it can permanently increase their Perception.
  4. Humiliate: Requires target to be Charmed or Enthralled. Inflicts Shamed status. Much more powerful if opponent is already Shamed.
  5. Crush Pride: Requires target to be Charmed or Enthralled and Shamed. Inflicts Temptation damage based on the number of stacks of Shamed and Horny they have. Consumes all Shamed stacks. Like Kiss, Crush Pride deals 1 Pleasure damage after applying the Temptation damage, so it can cause orgasm.
  6. Suggestion+: Suggestion now inflicts Enthralled rather than Charmed
attribute/hypnosis.1576522524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/16 11:55 by thesilverbard