
Not likely, but you can always keep tweaking is not and testing the strategy in different samples (out of sample testing again) to the business our performance improves. Many of us stop getting performance improvements and the only thing that's rising is the complexity of our model, you have to know we've crossed the series into overfitting.

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The first service bureau I worked for was sold a few larger contractor. While explaining with me what was happening on the company, my boss first called it a “merger.” Later, he was quoted saying that a merger is actually definitely a promotion. The bigger business always buys the smaller business. They call it a merger to turn out to be sound nicer to staff who get “acquired” your new end user. In those days, when an online-business sold, the owner always certain the employees were protected in their “new” call outs. The employees were expected removed things running while brand new owner “transitioned” the sales. The new owner always promised a brighter future with better working conditions and more pay.

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