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Perception determines how aware a character is of the world around them. Perception can be brought as low as 1 or raised as high as 9. The higher the Perception, the more accurately and consistently a character can view the mood, arousal, stamina, and stats of an opponent. It also affects their ability to spot traps.

Conversely, Perception also raises a character's vulnerability to pleasure. Therefore, a character must find a Perception level that strikes a balance between enough information and not too much sensitivity.

Perception contributes to attack evasion and determines whether someone can hear and notice opponents on the battlefield. It also affects how likely characters are to improve their attributes while visiting each other during the day and how likely video games are to increase a character's Speed.

Effects on Combat Information

Perception Initial Encounter Combat Damage Report
1 clothing clothing none
3 general arousal
4 mood general stamina approximate damage dealt and received and target status updates
5 mood approximate damage dealt and exact damage received and target status updates
6 level approximate stamina
7 approximate arousal exact damage dealt and received and target status updates
8 basic attributes stamina percentage
9 arousal percentage


The player character needs to ask Aesop about Sharpening the Mind for $200. This will unlock the Meditate option. Perception has a 50% chance of being raised or lowered with each meditation session with Suzume at the Dojo.

Perception has a chance to be permanently increased in combat if hit by Heighten Senses when already Hypersensitive.

Other Effects

attribute/perception.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/04 07:33 by rosencrantz